The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

Dating Quick Tip: Setting Intentions for Dating Success dating advice dating strategy dating tip

Before you go on a date, you may want to decide what kind of date you want to have.

One way to do this is by setting an intention. What’s an intention? One of the best descriptions I have heard comes from Monica Berg, host of the Spiritually Hungry podcast.  She describes...

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Your Most Important Task and Dating

For the last couple of months, I have been trying to implement Most Important Task (MIT) an idea popularized by Leo Babauta.

The idea, which he outlines in his post Purpose Your Day: Most Important Task (MIT), is that your MIT is the task that you most need to get done today. He goes on to say...

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Before you hire a dating coach ask yourself these 4 questions dating dating advice dating coach

Most people don't wake up one morning, go into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, and think, I need a dating coach. But, let’s imagine that you did wake up this morning and decide you needed a dating coach. Before you power up your favorite device and Google “dating...

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Dating Quick Tip: The Power of Stillness dating advice

I love Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. His newsletter is one of the few that I subscribe to. This week his topic was stillness. In it, he points out that while going on a meditation retreat is a great way to find stillness, it’s not the only way.

He challenges his readers to seek stillness...

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Ready to Give up on Dating? Try this instead. dating advice dating coach

By the time most of my clients find me, they are ready to give up on dating. They have suffered through the awkwardness of first dates, the pain of being rejected, and they have analyzed their actions and their dates' actions ad nauseam and wondered what they are doing wrong.

They are discouraged...

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Awful Dating Advice: What You Shouldn't Do When Dating bad dating advice dating advice dating strategy how to find love

Recently a dating site surveyed its users and found that 88 percent would prefer to date someone who’s in therapy. This is a staggering number and it's best taken with a grain of salt.

First, it is well-documented that it can be tricky to get accurate information thru surveys. One reason...

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Why you keep dating the same guy over and over dating dating advice how to find love

Those of you who follow my blog know that I am not a fan of changing yourself to find a partner. I believe that embracing who you are is the surest path to finding someone who loves you for who you are.

But what if you seem to attract the same type of guy over and over? The type of guy that...

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Don't ask what's the best dating app. Ask this instead. dating advice dating profile bio dating strategy

As a dating and relationship coach, a question that I get asked frequently is “What’s the best dating app? Is it Bumble, Hinge, OKC?”  I also hear a lot of variations to this question including:

  • What’s the best dating app for relationships?
  • What’s the best...
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How to find love: One thing you can do to ensure success dating dating advice dating strategy how to find love

Did you set a New Years Resolution to get back on dating apps and make this the year that you find your Mr. Right? 

Good for you!  Committing to making this year the year that you achieve the dream that you have held in your heart for so long is courageous. I want to make it...

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Your Dating Superpower dating dating advice dating strategy

When developing a dating strategy, it's important to identify the resources and support that you need to be successful. Wouldn’t it be great if one of the resources that you could count on when dating is a superpower that would help you determine whether the guy that you are...

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How I found love: Marilyn's story dating advice dating strategy how i found love

I was 63 years old and had been widowed 7 years when I met my partner, Paul. We met at a Christmas party hosted by mutual friends. 

After being widowed for so many years, I was comfortable going out on my own.  I wasn’t looking to date. I figured my chances of finding true love...

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Dating is like shopping for a new outfit dating dating advice dating strategy

Have you ever needed a dress for a special occasion and realized that you had to go buy something new? Maybe you needed a new suit for a big presentation or a dress for a black-tie wedding you were attending.

If you like to shop, you may have headed off to Nordstrom’s or Bloomingdale's full...

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