The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

Your dating strategy: What it is and why you need one bad dating advice dating strategy


Strategy: a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time

As a professional woman, you likely spend a good part of your working life developing annual plans, staffing plans, marketing plans, and financial plans. But when you think about dating,...

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Awful Dating Advice: What You Shouldn't Do When Dating bad dating advice dating advice dating strategy how to find love

Recently a dating site surveyed its users and found that 88 percent would prefer to date someone who’s in therapy. This is a staggering number and it's best taken with a grain of salt.

First, it is well-documented that it can be tricky to get accurate information thru surveys. One reason...

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Smarter dating: The problem isn't that you're too picky bad dating advice dating advice

How many times have you been told that you are too picky when dating? That you should always give someone a second chance? How many times has your mother or a close friend told you that? Yeah, me too.

Wasting time dating men you aren't interested in doesn't work

Based on that advice, for...

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