The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

The Savvy Gal's Guide to Dating & Relationships

How I found love: Marilyn's story dating advice dating strategy how i found love

I was 63 years old and had been widowed 7 years when I met my partner, Paul. We met at a Christmas party hosted by mutual friends. 

After being widowed for so many years, I was comfortable going out on my own.  I wasn’t looking to date. I figured my chances of finding true love...

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How I found love: Alisa's story dating advice how i found love

I was 51 and living in NYC when I met my partner, Bob, at a party given by a friend.

I love cycling and I'm a member of a New York cycling club. All of the people at the party were members of that club. A few of us had gone to Mallorca the year before to cycle and my friend wanted us to...

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I found love and you can too! Here is my best advice. dating dating advice dating coach how i found love

Ten years ago, I thought my life was pretty good. I had a career that I enjoyed in marketing. I had been with my partner for 17 years, and if the relationship wasn’t perfect, I had something that I thought was more important than perfect, commitment.

Unfortunately, a family tragedy made...

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