2024 Dating News: The best dating articles from the web

I read all the media articles I can find on dating and relationships and post a curated collection of the most interesting and helpful here. Let me know what you think and if there are any articles, I've missed, send them my way!
Finally, Some Good Dating-App News
4/30/2024: The cut
Bumble has made some changes to its app, the most notable being that women no longer have to be the initiators. While this is a plus for women who avoided the app for that reason, other changes are equally interesting like a dating intention badge and a greater focus on shared common interests.
Ghosted, orbited, breadcrumbed: Digital dating is hard. Here’s how to cope
4/29/2024: Fast Company
If you've ever been ghosted orbited breadcrumbed or just treated poorly in a relationship this article offers some evidence-based strategies to overcome the hurt and get back to find the right partner for you faster and with less emotional wear and tear.
The science isn’t there: do dating apps really help us find our soulmate?
4/28/2024: The Guardian
Have you heard about the lawsuit against Match? If you are frustrated and burned out by dating apps you will probably cheer when you read that Match is being accused of a "predatory business model." The lawsuit accuses the dating app giant of focusing on keeping users hooked and swiping, not on creating matches. I know more than one woman who would testify to that!
'Bless And Release' Is The Best Thing To Happen To Dating In A Long Time
4/28/2024: HuffPost
I love this article because it aligns with one of my dating beliefs that it is far kinder to tell someone that you don't feel a romantic connection than to try to convince yourself to give them a chance. And, of course, telling someone he is not your Mr. Right is always preferable to ignoring his texts and hoping they will figure it out. Ready to give the truth a try?
Tired of dating apps? Real-life singles experiences are making a comeback.
4/26/2024: Yahoo News
While this article has some great ideas, Googling speed dating + the name of your city is another great way to find IRL events. And be sure to try Tantra Speed Date, my clients love it!
Millionaire Matchmaker’ Patti Stanger says ‘Nobody knows the rules anymore"
4/11/2024: New York Post
Whether you love Patti Stanger or hate her, this article holds a kernel of truth. Stranger believes that shifting societal norms have affected how we date and that “nobody knows the rules anymore." In that she's right. With the rise of internet dating, the MeToo movement, and the impact of Covid, there is a lot of confusion about the "rules." But most of those rules didn't serve us. So instead of bemoaning the loss of a bunch of rules that didn't serve us, let's write some new rules that do.
True Love. Is There a Hack for That?
2/9/2024: NY Times
Have you tried some of the tips and tricks circling the internet on how to hack dating apps? Are you beginning to think that dating app algorithms are keeping you from your romantic prospects? You're not alone. Read to the end for a killer dating hack.
1/4/2024: Psychology Today
Rarely do I read an article on dating that I agree with completely, so I was delighted to see that Dorothy Chin identified strategies that are both practical and helpful for single professional women. I especially like tip #1. The context of photos can give you a lot of information about your potential date and his (or her) values.
The Hottest New Dating Site: LinkedIn
1/4/2024: Business Insider
What I love about this article is the story about Samuela John. When a relationship came looking for her on Linkedin, she was able to use this, admittedly unconventional, approach to verify that her potential match had career aspirations and career stability similar to her own.
How to Declutter Your Dating Life
1/3/2024: NY Times
While I agree with the first recommendation in this article, there are better ways to define your dating criteria than what is offered here. The real gem is the second recommendation "Set boundaries on the apps." Making sure you are clear on everything from how much time you will commit to swiping each day to how long you are willing to text before insisting in an IRL meeting will help simplify dating and lower dating burnout.
The busiest day for dating apps
1/3/2024: NY Post
Will you be one of the many on a dating app this Sunday? Make sure you set your dating strategy before you begin!
Interested in past dating news? Here are the best of the web dating articles from 2023.